Monday, January 5, 2015

2nd Semester Goals

Three things I did well this semester were that I kept all my notes neat and color coordinated, studied hard and effectively (I hope) for the final, and asked for help when needed. Three things that I need to improve on are studying harder for all tests and quizzes complete all my WebAssign and blogs on time, and ask for more clarifying help. Last semester was probably the most difficult math time for me. Whenever I studied a lot for something and I think I understand it, the results didn't show it. I know I don't have the best study habits, but it is frustrating when I actually study, but don't get the grade I am aiming for. This semester, I am really going to try to push myself to ask more questions and get more help, even if I think I understand the concept.
This break, I went to San Diego with my basketball team. We took second place in our bracket and only lost by 2!